Sunday 5 June 2016

Perfume and imaginary silk gloves

Outfit! I can;t think of a description, so I'll just show you the pictures.
The dress is from a vintage shop in Frome, and I got it for like £20 even though it's a 1930's silk slip- it was a memorable moment. The shoes are off ebay, from Poetic Licence, and I love them so much- they have a gold underside, with the company's name incribed in it and I am rubbish at walking in heels but I hobbled around because one must make sacrifices for shoes this lovely. The, ahem, lunchbox, is from when I was very little, and is actually filled with paper dresses and playmobile but no one knew so I could pretend it had expensive perfume and silk gloves in it to match the outfit. The black top is just from M and S, and I wear it under things when I'm cold, but it looked right with the dress so I wore it. So there you go, another post completed. Yours, Clara xx


  1. That dress is beautiful and I luv your lunchbox! I've tagged you in a '50 things about me' tag by the way! It's on my blog if you would like to take a look
    H xx

    1. Thank you so much! That's so nice of you! C xx

  2. Thank you for your lovely comment a while back and apologies for taking quite some time to head over to take a look at your blog. I'm very glad I did.
    BEAUTIFUL dress and accessories and perfect location too. These images actually make me rather nostalgic for the earlier days of my blog.

    1. Thank you so much! It's so kind of you to say all that, I am very grateful to you for looking! The pictures are taken in my garden :)
