Tuesday 19 April 2016

Secret Garden

Writing this blog is such a weird thing for me. Putting everything out there is exciting but also pretty scary? I haven't shared it on my social media, even though I know that's what your supposed to do to get a wider readership, because I don't know how I feel about people I see everyday reading everything I post- I tried to keep this from most of my friends, but alas, they found it. Life is stressful at the moment- well, as stressful as most teenage girls' lives get- because of exams next week (not even big ones, just mocks for mocks next year?!), so I've been spending a lot of time revising. Who's idea was it to make young people suffer in this way, and to let their whole futures depend on a few exams? Whoever it was should be forced to relive their entire education and see what it's actually like now. Do adults remember what it's like to be a child? Some do, I suppose, but I often wonder if the people telling us to do "about 3 hours of revision a night" in Year 10 realise that we might have better things to do than learn about surds. Anyway, I had to get that out of my system. On to the frivolities. This is from a few months ago, when I had just dyed my hair red (yes, I am naturally a dark blonde/very light brunette) and was experimenting with colours that would go with it (ALL THE COLOURSSS). I used henna, so it washes out after a while, but I kind of want to have red hair forever now...
Our garden is what some people call "messy" but I prefer the term "eclectic" or "unique". But seriously, it's gorgeous. My jacket is from Chandri Chowk (spelling?), and it's getting older and more faded by the day, as well as the sleeves fraying, but I love it to bits, hopefully not literally. My top is from an obscure french market, and the dress underneath is from a tiny shop in a village, again, in France. My boots are from Fatface and are falling apart because I have worn through the heel completely, and the headscarf is from a vintage shop. Yours Clara

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