Tuesday 7 June 2016

50 things about me

Not my usual kind of post but hey I got tagged what can ya do! So 50 facts about me- here you go!
1. I'm a July baby, and am 15 this summer (!!!) . 2. I'm therefore a cancer zodiac, and apparently that makes me highly emotional and deep feeling, as well as incredibly passionate in my ideas. Pretty accurate. 3. For part of my young childhood I grew up in France and was completely submerged in the local village school, and therefore speak and write fluent French. 4. I play the piano and hoping to do Grade 8 at Christmas but am basically terrified. 5. I have an obsession with hats. I own a large collection ranging from vintage cloche hats to velvet berets. 6. I love to sing. 7. I had braces for about 3 months but I hated them so much I got them taken off and now my teeth are only a tiny bit wonky! 8. My ambition in life is to go to Oxford and study English, and then a writer or an artist. I understand that this may require a fair amount of work. 9. My favourite artist is probably Bottocelli and then Paul Klee and then Frida Kahlo. 10. I own a cloak that my mum made me when I wa ten and it is blue velvet and I wear it whenever possible. 11. My entire room is lit by fairy lights. 12. I have Cystic Fibrosis, always have done always will. 13. I love running, and am at the moment doing 10k or so. 14. I am a really really really strong feminist. 15. Jeremy Corbyn is the MAN. 16. I have really strong political views which are pretty left wing. 17. I love vintage clothes and thrifting. 18. Last week I read 4 books because I had a lot of spare time and I love to read. 19. I have dyed red hair which I coloured with henna and I'm naturally darkish blonde but I feel in my soul that I am a red head. 20. I am definitely a dog person rather than cats because cats make my eyes swell up and stream. 21. I am absolutely and totally inspired by Tavi Gevinson. She is basically the best thing ever to happen to the Internet. 22. I do have Snapshat and Instagram, but they scare me so I deleted them off my phone etc. 23. I go to a Quaker school where we have yurts and stuff. 24. For GCSE my chosen options are History, Spanish, art, and German, plus French which I did last year. 25. I strongly believe that Physics is a waste of my time since I will never ever need to know what my gravitational potential force is thank you very much. 26. I will fight you if you diss one of my friends or me. Really. 27. I love Pablo Neruda and WH Auden because they have a sensitivity to their poetry that I understand but cannot get express. 28. I have a 1930s Corona typewriter. 29. I have a record player on which I play Ella Fitzgerald, Scott Joplin, uh, Joni Mitchell, Carole King, Bach... I'm pretty funky, let me tell you. 30. I have grey blue eyes and am very very pale skinned. 31. I love photography and art, especially watercolour. 32. I am an avid reader of RookieMag read it it is wonderfully insightful plus Tavi runs it so... 33. If Oxford doesn't work out I want to study millinery in Vienna. 34. Pro Brexit people scare me 35. So do spiders 36. And foundation 37. I don't tend to wear any makeup except to special events. 38. I love Freaks and Geeks. 39. I can't act to save my life except when no one knows I am acting. 40. I can't lie, because I start to feel physically ill and confess immediately. 41. I have a very low tolerance of girl who dumb themselves down and also of people who define themselves using media-dictated beauty standards. 42. My friend Nina and I have like 58 inside jokes that are so inside that sometimes we don't even have to say anything- we just know. This makes me feel special. 43. Nina once punched someone when they asked her out. Just saying- I have really fabulous friends. 44. When I was little and people sang "Polly put the Kettle on" I used to be scared that Suky was going to come and get me and pour boiling water on me. 45. I have a hammock in my room. 46. No, I don't have a crush on anyone, so don't even bother asking :) 47. I like to make my own clothes or alter them and once I made Nina seriously uncomfortable by modifying a skirt by picking it up and just hacking into the hem to shorten it (she's more of a pin and tack person) 48. My favourite colour is blue. 49. I was badly bullied when I lived in France, and so we moved back to England and now I live in Somerset. 50. I am really really glad I have finished writing this because I have run out of things to say. Phew! Thank you to hberrie.blogspot.co.uk for tagging me, check out her blog it is pretty darn cute, and I don't know five blogs so here's one because I'm short on time: The Dainty Squid (I have no ide how to make that live so just google it?) and I'll edit if I find any others! Yours, Clara xx

Sunday 5 June 2016

Perfume and imaginary silk gloves

Outfit! I can;t think of a description, so I'll just show you the pictures.
The dress is from a vintage shop in Frome, and I got it for like £20 even though it's a 1930's silk slip- it was a memorable moment. The shoes are off ebay, from Poetic Licence, and I love them so much- they have a gold underside, with the company's name incribed in it and I am rubbish at walking in heels but I hobbled around because one must make sacrifices for shoes this lovely. The, ahem, lunchbox, is from when I was very little, and is actually filled with paper dresses and playmobile but no one knew so I could pretend it had expensive perfume and silk gloves in it to match the outfit. The black top is just from M and S, and I wear it under things when I'm cold, but it looked right with the dress so I wore it. So there you go, another post completed. Yours, Clara xx

Friday 3 June 2016

adrogyny FOREVER

Just some inspiration and funky peeps
Oh teddy girls, I aspire to your level of coolness
Also I now REALLY want that skirt and that layering technique is on pointtt
Gah. Am in love. Yours Clara xx (I'm still discovering how to link and give sources for photos so just to say these are all off the World Wide Web and I do not take credit for any of them please don't sue me or anything)

Thursday 2 June 2016

Bathrooms and bohemian robes

Sorry I haven't posted in ages, I sort of forgot about this blog and am now ashamed of my negligence. I'm in a very rainy and cold and windy part of Scotland right now, where my style can be described as literally anything that provides any kind of protection and warmth, so this post focuses on my clothes about a week ago. I went to London, and explored Greenwhich Market aka heaven of all vintage and alternative shoppers. I found this funny little boho shop and fell in love- I bought such.a.beautiful.thing. I say thing because that's basically the only to describe it, as you'll see. Because I didn't take my tripod, these photos aren't that good, and one of them, and I apologise for this, is a selfie taken in the mirror. It's this thing that is made of a patterned, light weight, emerald green silk, and it has long ribbon ties at the bust and as a halter neck, making the bell- like shape. The best part is that I look and feel like a fairy, but I can still do cartwheels. This said, I was twice asked if I was attending the ComicCon. K. So here's a rather blurry shot followed by a close up on the fabric.
I stayed with a friend in Primrose hill, aka the prettiest and trendiest part of London, and the house was ineffably gorgeous. The owner is a cellist, and has enough money to spare that she can afford to go to art auctions and buy beautiful paintings. Her house is a haven of colour- but the best part is the bathroom. I'm not obsessive about her sink or anything, but you have to understand that this is no ordinary bathroom. This is a kingdom. The walls are painted with castles and mountains and skies and trees and okay let me just show you the picture it'll be quicker. I like the composition of this photo as well as the fact that my dress/jumpsuit/pantaloons match the colour scheme. I think people thought there was something wrong with me because I must have spent around half an hour in there taking photos and admiring the whole room.
And finally, this picture I took in the bedroom. I think, again, it's the colours that appeal to me, the pink rose with the green, and it kind of just makes me think of summer and silk kimonos.
Yours in constant awe at the fact that people actually read this blog??? Clara xx

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Secret Garden

Writing this blog is such a weird thing for me. Putting everything out there is exciting but also pretty scary? I haven't shared it on my social media, even though I know that's what your supposed to do to get a wider readership, because I don't know how I feel about people I see everyday reading everything I post- I tried to keep this from most of my friends, but alas, they found it. Life is stressful at the moment- well, as stressful as most teenage girls' lives get- because of exams next week (not even big ones, just mocks for mocks next year?!), so I've been spending a lot of time revising. Who's idea was it to make young people suffer in this way, and to let their whole futures depend on a few exams? Whoever it was should be forced to relive their entire education and see what it's actually like now. Do adults remember what it's like to be a child? Some do, I suppose, but I often wonder if the people telling us to do "about 3 hours of revision a night" in Year 10 realise that we might have better things to do than learn about surds. Anyway, I had to get that out of my system. On to the frivolities. This is from a few months ago, when I had just dyed my hair red (yes, I am naturally a dark blonde/very light brunette) and was experimenting with colours that would go with it (ALL THE COLOURSSS). I used henna, so it washes out after a while, but I kind of want to have red hair forever now...
Our garden is what some people call "messy" but I prefer the term "eclectic" or "unique". But seriously, it's gorgeous. My jacket is from Chandri Chowk (spelling?), and it's getting older and more faded by the day, as well as the sleeves fraying, but I love it to bits, hopefully not literally. My top is from an obscure french market, and the dress underneath is from a tiny shop in a village, again, in France. My boots are from Fatface and are falling apart because I have worn through the heel completely, and the headscarf is from a vintage shop. Yours Clara

Monday 18 April 2016

We don't need no piece of paper from the city hall

In true blogger style, thinking that anyone else but me would interested, I want to show you my room. I guess it's my own little museum, or rather exhibition. But! What I really wanted to show you was my pride and joy- my record player. I got it two Christmasses ago, and am fiercely protective of it (NO TOUCHY!). My favourite vinyls at the moment are Joni Mitchell, because she reminds me of a very talented banshee, and the marvel that is Ella Fitzgerald singing Cole Porter. She has a voice that could lure men to their deaths if she felt like it but you kind of get the feeling she wouldn't want to because she's too nice- that kind of voice. I also adore Carole King- I wanted to go and see her live in Hyde Parl London this July, but the tickets are waaaaay out of my price range, so I'll have to content myself with listening to Tapestry on repeat all day every day. I have quite an extensive record collection and have an obsession with dusty charity shops in which I can hunt down the best ones (mwahahaa)(sorry.). Have been listening to Joni a lot recently though, and her lyrics are a masterpiece in themselves (does she count as a golden oldie? Or forever young?) Leave a comment if you liked this, as I have plenty more room (get it? Room?) for more of this ilk. Clara

Zany Zines

Recently I have discovered the magical world of the zine- henceforth I am addicted. I have only made one so far, and it's not especially interesting or exciting, because I don't have that many things I'm willing to cut up- except Vogue. I have a lot of copies of Vogue. So here it is, my first zone, inspires by NYC in the 50/60/70s, with a few jumbled sentences to add interest.
. Blimey. Lots of photos! Please comment if you like this blog, because I'm really enjoying writing it and everything, but I want to know how to make it better, and what people think! Mwah Clara x

Sunday 17 April 2016

Dryad Vibes

Greetings. Today I was a woodland creature/dryad/something out of Midsummer Night's Dream. It was really sunny and warm outside, so I went out and took some pictures with a friend. I took some pics of her, because my portraiture skills can be summed up in the words "pretty face. Pretty place. PRETTY PICTURE???", and usually the answer is no, not pretty picture, but today I got some nice shots. We went to the woods, and everything was coming into bloom and the light was wonderful, and sometimes I wish I didn't live in the middle of nowhere but today I was glad. Eventually, when I'd got lots of pictures, I knew I had to ask her to take some of me, to have a picture for this blog- except I didn't want to say it was for a blog, so I was like "um, so, I really like this dress, and it was my mum's and I think the whole thing is right, because, er, the woods, and this dress and has flowers on it, and yeah so wouldyoumindtakingapictureofmeplease?" and she sort of looked at me and smiled in a confused manner and went "sure? No problem." I am not good at asking people to take pictures of me. Forgive me, all those who have had to suffer me trying to make up excuses for why I want a picture. Thank you for not throwing the camera in my face. So anyway, this dress was my mum's, and I have been coveting it since the age of four. Really, I used to wear it trailing on the ground behind me and pretend I was a woodland queen- oh wait... I AM. Moving on. It is from Monsoon, and I wear it with my boots (that are falling apart) and my handmade wooden crown. So here ya go, photo credits to Sarah, you can be right hand girl on the throne of the forest.
I was, at one point, wearing a military jacket, from a car boot sale, which took me from queen of the woods to Queen the band, but I liked it, so here's another picture.
And so there we are. Tomorrow is school, so uniform it is, but I try to wear a different hair accessory every day, so that'll be fun to choose. Last week I was a #rebel because I had ripped tights which I got by jumping off the lockers too enthusiastically. I expect I should wear intact tights tomorrow, for fear of invoking the wrath of the Deputy Head who is absolutely terrifying. I cannot wait for the sixth form, where I can finally frighten people with my innovative dress sense. If you are one of the elite who has found AND read this blog, I thank you. You are a dear. Yours, Clara x

Vintage a la now

Why hello, I forgot to post my clothes yesterday, which was a shame because I really liked my outfit, so I'm doing a retrospective(harhar)- I suppose it was a sort of vintage vibe, although it was brought up to date with a homemade denim miniskirt. Allow me to show you:
Voila. It is rather confusing for me because as I'm writing this, all that comes in when I put a picture in is a lot of code. I will be very disappointed if that's all that comes out when I post this. So. The jacket is a 1930s boating jacket, found a tiny vintage shop which looks like a black and white film star's wardrobe- although obviously not black and white. Sorry, that was . Sorry. I love the ruffles, and it makes me feel like I am a young lady on a trip to Italy with her elderly chaperone. As I said, I made the skirt, and I basically ripped up a pair of jeans sewed really really fast along the seams and hoped for the best. It looks a bit ragged on close inspection, but it's pretty funky. I took these photos myself in the garden. It was unusually lovely weather, and it looked really warm, but it REALLY wasn't, and I regretted that my clothes didn't come with, like, built in thermals. Design fault much :) So that's my second post done. Phew. Yours, Clara

Meet the new girl

Hi, I'm Clara, I am 14 years old, and I have recently become really interested in blogging, so I decided to start my own place. My style icons are Tavi Gevinson, Frida Kahlo, Audrey Hepburn, and Suzy from Moonrise Kingdom, and I have always been interested not so much in high fashion, but just in clothes,and in the way we express ourselves through the way we dress. I just wanted somewhere to record my thoughts really, so I'm starting this blog to do just that. Like I said, I'm new, and I'm slightly nervous, but I will hope for the best. Yours, Clara.